Faunistic Studies in South-East Asian and Pacific Island Odonata

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Issue 44 (2024): Previously unpublished Odonata records from Sarawak, Borneo, part X: Maludam and Ulu Sebuyau National Parks (Rory A. Dow & Graham T. Reels).

Issue 43 (2023): 1-22: Contribution on the dragonflies and damselflies (Insecta: Odonata) of six limestone forests of northern Vietnam. 23-28: Two new records to the Vietnamese Odonata fauna: Coeliccia loogali Laidlaw, 1932 and Rhipidolestes chaoi Wilson, 2004 (Zygoptera: Platycnemididae, Rhipidolestidae) from a high limestone forest of northern Vietnam (Phan Quoc Toan).

Issue 42 (2023): Contribution to the knowledge of the Odonata fauna of Khao Yai National Park and the adjacent regions in Thailand (Tosaphol Saetung Keetapithchayakul, Noppadon Makbun, Kaewpawika Rattanachan & Nisarat Tungpairojwong).

Issue 41 (2023): Contribution to the Odonata of Kadavu, Fiji with erection of three new species (Insecta: Odonata) (Milen Marinov & Bindiya Rashni).

Issue 40 (2022): Amorphostigma kessleri, sp. nov. from American Samoa (Odonata:Amorphostigma kessleri, sp. nov. from American Samoa (Odonata:Coenagrionidae) (Milen Marinov).

Issue 39 (2022): Odonata from the Loa Buluh Field Station area in East Kalimantan, Indonesia (Rory A. Dow, Deni Wahyudi & Pungki Lupiyaningdyah).

Issue 38 (2022): On two unjustified rankings of Pacific Odonata (Insecta) (Milen Marinov).

Issue 37 (2021): Previously unpublished Odonata records from Sarawak, Borneo, part VII: Odonata from Limbang Division (Rory A. Dow & Chee Yen Choong).

Issue 36 (2021): Previously unpublished Odonata records from Sarawak, Borneo, part VI: Miri Division including checklists for Niah, Lambir Hills, Loagan Bunut and Pulong Tau National Parks Rory A. Dow, Rambli Ahmad, Stephen G. Butler, Chee Yen Choong, Jongkar Grinang, Yong Foo Ng, Robin W.J. Ngiam, Graham T. Reels, Philip O.M. Steinhoff & Joanes Unggang).

Issue 35 (2021): A taxonomic and biogeographic discussion on Rhyothemis regia (Brauer, 1867) from Samoa and neighbouring islands with introduction of Rhyothemis regia uveae subsp. nov. (Odonata: Libellulidae) (Milen Marinov, Régis Krieg-Jacquier, Jean-Marc Duvernay, Günther Fleck, Joëlle Vincent-Gorlier, Nathalie Mary, Crile Doscher, Florian Le Bail, Hervé Jourdan & Jörn Theuerkauf).

Issue 34 (2021): Corrections, amendments and updates to „An annotated checklist of the Odonata (Insecta) known from Sarawak with records to district level“ (Rory Dow).

Issue 33 (2020): New records of Odonata from the eastern Lesser Sunda Islands of Timor, Semau, Rote, and Alor, with discovery of Hemicordulia eduardi (Odonata: Corduliidae) (Rui Miguel da Silva Pinto, Jafet Potenzo Lopes, Colin Richard Trainor & Malte Seehausen)

Issue 32 (2020): First records of three Lestidae species in Thailand, with a checklist of the dragonflies known from Nam Nao National Park and Phu Khieo Wildlife Sanctuary (Odonata) (Dennis Farrell & Noppadon Makbun).

Issue 31 (2020): A ranking of key dragonfly sites in Hong Kong using a species conservation value assessment metric (Graham T. Reels).

Issue 30 (2019): An annotated check list of Hong Kong dragonflies and assessment of their local conservation significance (Graham T. Reels).

Issue 29 (2019): Odonata survey on some of the outer islands of Belitung Regency, Belitung island, Indonesia (Akbar Alfarisyi).

Issue 28 (2019): Contribution to the Odonata fauna of the Society Islands, French Polynesia (Insecta: Odonata) (Milen Marinov, Frederic A. Jacq, Thibault Ramage & Crile Doscher).

Issue 27 (2019): Previously unpublished Odonata records from Sarawak, Borneo, part IV: Bintulu Division including the Planted Forest Project and Similajau National Park (Rory A. Dow, Stephen G. Butler, Graham T. Reels, Philip O.M. Steinhoff,Rory A. Dow, Stephen G. Butler, Graham T. Reels, Philip O.M. Steinhoff, Frank R. Stokvis & Joanes Unggang).

Issue 26 (2019): Faunistic studies on Odonata of the Republic of Vanuatu (Insecta: Odonata) (Milen Marinov, Seth Bybee, Crile Doscher & Donna Kalfatakmolis).

Issue 25 (2018): Further records of Odonata from Timor Island, with the first photographs of living Nososticta impercepta (Odonata: Platycnemididae) and additional records from Rote and Romang Islands (Malte Seehausen, Rui Miguel da Silva Pinto, Colin Richard Trainor & Jafet Potenzo Lopes).

Issue 24 (2018): Odonata from the BEFTA Project area, Riau Province, Sumatra, Indonesia (Rory A. Dow, Andreas Dwi Advento, Edgar C. Turner, Jean-Pierre Caliman, William A. Forster, Mohammad Naim, Jake L. Snaddon & Sudharto Ps).

Issue 23 (2017): New records of Odonata from Kedah, Malaysia, in September 2016, with a checklist of species recorded from the state (Rory A. Dow, Chee Yen Choong & Yong Foo Ng).

Issue 22 (2017): New records of Odonata from the Crocker Range National Park, Sabah, Malaysia (Aqilah Afendy, Rory A. Dow & Homathevi Rahman).

Issue 21 (2017): New records of Odonata from Kelantan, Malaysia, with a checklist of species recorded from the state (Chee Yen Choong, Rory A. Dow & Yong Foo Ng).

Issue 20 (2017): Survey of Odonata from Timor Island, with description of the female of Anax georgius (Odonata: Aeshnidae) (Malte Seehausen).

Issue 19 (2017): The Caloptera damselflies of Thailand – Distribution maps by provinces (Odonata: Calopterygoidea) (Matti Hämäläinen).

Issue 18 (2016): On a dragonfly collection from Nuku Hiva Island, Marquesas Islands and Paea, Tahiti (French Polynesia) with taxonomic discussion of some Polynesian genera (Insecta: Odonata) (Milen Marinov, Odile Fossati-Gaschignard & Martin Schorr).

Issue 17 (2016): A contribution to the dragonfly fauna of Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands (Insecta: Odonata) with description of two new species (Milen Marinov).

Issue 16 (2016): Records of Odonata from Perlis, Malaysia in August 2015, with a checklist of species recorded from the state (Rory A. Dow, Chee Yen Choong & Yong Foo Ng).  

Issue 15 (2016): Odonata from the Borneo Highlands Resort on Gunung Penrissen, Kuching Division, Sarawak, Malaysia 2014-2016 (Rory A. Dow, Stephen G. Butler & Graham T. Reels).  

Issue 14 (2016): Odonata collected at the Samunsam Wildlife Sanctuary, Kuching Division, Sarawak, Malaysia in August 2015 (Dow, Rory A.).  

Issue 13 (2016): Odonata from the Cham Islands, off central Vietnam, collected in September 2015 (Quoc Toan Phan & Thi Phuong Anh Dinh).  

Issue 12 (2015): Odonata collected in Hainan and Guangdong Provinces, China in 2014. (Rosser W. Garrison, Adolfo Cordero-Rivera & Haomiao Zhang).

Issue 11 (2015): The seven „oddities“ of Pacific Odonata biogeography 1997. (Milen Marinov).

Issue 10 (2015): Odonata recorded from northeastern Papua New Guinea including the Bismarck Archipelago in May to July 1997. (Dirk Gassmann).

Issue 09 (2015): Previously unpublished Odonata records from Sarawak, Borneo, Part III. Sri Aman, Sibu and Kapit Divisions). (Rory Dow, Graham Reels & Robin Ngiam).

Issue 08 (2014): Distribution and identification of Rhodothemis in the eastern part of the Indo-Australian Archipelago (Odonata: Libellulidae). (Vincent Kalkman & Albert Orr).

Issue 07 (2013): Results of an Odonata survey carried out in the peatlands of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, in 2012 (Rory A. Dow & Marcel Silvius).

Issue 06 (2013): Previously unpublished Odonata records from Sarawak, Borneo. Part II. Kubah National Park (Rory A. Dow, Graham T. Reels & Stephen Butler).

Issue 05 (2013): A revised and updated Odonata checklist of Samoa (Insecta: Odonata) (Milen Marinov, Warren Chinn, Eric Edwards, Brian Patrick & Hamish Patrick).

Issue 04 (2013): On a dragonfly collection from the Solomon Islands with overview of fauna from this Pacific archipelago (Insecta: Odonata) (Milen Marinov & Patrick Oikacha).

Issue 03 (2013): Previously unpublished Odonata records from Sarawak, Borneo., Part I. Kuching Division including Kubah National Park, and Samarahan Division (Rory A. Dow & Graham T. Reels).

Issue 02 (2013): Odonata of Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve, Johor, Peninsular Malaysia (Choong, Chee Yen & Denise S.L. Cheah).

Issue 01 (2012): Contribution to the Odonata of the Kingdom of Tonga (Milen Marinov).