Bei IDF-Projekten neu entdeckte und beschriebene Libellenarten
Nr | Artname | Herkunft / Land | Quelle |
1 | Cordulichlora borisi (Marinov, 2001) | Bulgaria | Marinov, M. (2001): Somatochlora borisi spec. nov., a new European dragonfly species from Bulgaria (Anisoptera: Corduliidae). IDF-Report 3(1/2): 9-16. |
2 | Papuagrion carcharodon Michalski & Oppel, 2007 | Papua New Guinea | Michalski, J.; Oppel, S. (2007): Papuagrion carcharodon sp. nov. from southern New Guinea (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). International Journal of Odonatology 10(1): 81-86 |
3 | Teinobasis martinschorri Villanueva, 2010 | Philippines | Villanueva, R.J.T. (2010): Dragonflies of Polillo Island, Philippines. International Dragonfly Fund - Report 23: 1-24. |
4 | Indocypha catopta Zhang, Hämäläinen & Tong, 2010 | China | Zhang, H.; Hämäläinen, M.; Tong, X. (2010): Indocypha catopta sp. nov. from Guizhou, China (Odonata: Chlorocyphidae). International Journal of Odonatology 13(2): 231-240. |
5 | Coeliccia kenyah Dow, 2010 | Malaysia | Dow, R.A. (2010): Revision of the genus Coeliccia (Zygoptera: Platycnemididae) in Borneo. Part I: The borneensis group of species. Zool. Med. Leiden 84(7): 117-157. |
6 | Nihonogomphus schorri Do & Karube, 2011 | Vietnam | Do, M.C.; Karube, H. (2001): Nihonogomphus schorri sp. nov. from Huu Lien Nature Reserve, Lang Son Province, Vietnam (Odonata: Gomphidae). Zootaxa 2831: 63-68. |
7 | Chlorogomphus manau Dow & Ngiam, 2011 | Malaysia | Chlorogomphus manau sp. nov. from Sarawak, Malaysia (Odonata: Chlorogomphidae). International Journal of Odonatology 14 (3): 269–274 |
8 | Burmagomphus schneideri Do, 2011 | Vietnam | Do, M.C. (2011): Burmagomphus schneideri sp. nov., a new dragonfly from the south of Vietnam (Odonata: Gomphidae), International Journal of Odonatology 14(3): 223-231. |
9 | Drepanosticta wildermuthi Villanueva & Schorr, 2011 | Philippines | Villanueva, R.J.T.; Schorr, M. (2011): Two new damselfly species from Polillo Island, Philippines (Odonata: Platystictidae). Zootaxa 3017: 46-50 |
10 | Sulcosticta vantoli Villanueva & Schorr, 2011 | Philippines | Villanueva, R.J.T.; Schorr, M. (2011): Two new damselfly species from Polillo Island, Philippines (Odonata: Platystictidae). Zootaxa 3017: 46-50. |
11 | Drepanosticta schorri Villanueva, 2011 | Philippines | Villanueva, R.J.T. (2011): Odonata of Siargao and Bucas Grande islands, The Philippines. International Dragonfly Fund - Report 34: 1-25. |
12 | Pseudagrion schieli Villanueva, 2011 | Philippines | Villanueva, R.J.T. (2011): Odonata of Siargao and Bucas Grande islands, The Philippines. International Dragonfly Fund - Report 34: 1-25. |
13 | Argiolestes tuberculiferus Michalski & Oppel, 2010 | Papua New Guinea | Michalski, J.; Oppel, S. (2010): Two new species of Argiolestes from Papua New Guinea (Odonata: Megapodagrionidae). International Journal of Odonatology 13(1): 63-74. |
14 | Matrona corephaea Hämäläinen, Yu & Zhang, 2011 | China | Hämäläinen, M.; Yu, X.; Zhang, H. (2011): Descriptions of Matrona oreades spec. nov. and Matrona corephaea spec. nov. from China (Odonata: Calopterygidae). Zootaxa 2830: 20-28. |
15 | Matrona corephaea Hämäläinen, Yu & Zhang, 2011 | China | Hämäläinen, M.; Yu, X.; Zhang, H. (2011): Descriptions of Matrona oreades spec. nov. and Matrona corephaea spec. nov. from China (Odonata: Calopterygidae). Zootaxa 2830: 20-28 |
16 | Pseudagrion lorenzi Gassmann, 2011 | Papua New Guinea | Gassmann, D. (2011): Pseudagrion lorenzi sp. nov., a new damselfly species from New Britain island, Papua New Guinea (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). International Journal of Odonatology 14(2): 149-162. |
17 | Diplacina guentherpetersi Villanueva, 2012 | Philippines | Three new species, Diplacina guentherpetersi sp. nov., D. holgerhungeri sp. nov. and D. paragua sp. nov., from the Philippines (Odonata: Libellulidae) |
18 | Diplacina holgerhungeri Villanueva, 2012 | Philippines | Three new species, Diplacina guentherpetersi sp. nov., D. holgerhungeri sp. nov. and D. paragua sp. nov., from the Philippines (Odonata: Libellulidae) |
19 | Diplacina paragua Villanueva, 2012 | Philippines | Three new species, Diplacina guentherpetersi sp. nov., D. holgerhungeri sp. nov. and D. paragua sp. nov., from the Philippines (Odonata: Libellulidae) |
20 | Burmagomphus asahinai Kosterin, Makbun & Dawwrueng, 2012 | Cambodia | Kosterin, O.E.; Makbun, N.; Dawwrueng, P. (2012): Burmagomphus asahinai sp. nov., a new species from Cambodia and Thailand, with a description of the male of B. gratiosus Chao, 1954. International Journal of Odonatology 15(4): 275-292 |
21 | Lanthanusa bilineata Michalski & Oppel, 2012 | Papua New Guinea | Michalski, J.; Oppel, S. (2012): Lanthanusa bilineata sp. nov. from New Guinea (Odonata: Libellulidae). International Journal of Odonatology 15(2): 75-80. |
22 | Teinobasis fatakula Marinov & Donelly, 2013 | Tonga | Marinov, M.; Donelly, T. (2013): Teinobasis fatakula sp. nov. (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae), found on ‘Eua Island, Kingdom of Tonga. Zootaxa 3609(6): 589–592. |
23 | Planaeschna guentherpetersi Sasamoto, Do & Van, 2013 | Vietnam | Sasamoto, A.; Do, C.; Van, L.V. (2013): Discovery of a new species of the genus Planaeschna from Northern Vietnam, with a first description of male P. tomokunii. Zootaxa 3652(5): 587–594 |
24 | Drepanosticta burbachi Dow, 2013 | Malaysia | Dowr, R.A. (2013): Drepanosticta burbachi spec. nov. from Sarawak, Borneo, a new species allied to D. dulitensis Kimmins, with notes on related species (Zygoptera: Platystictidae). Odonatologica 42(3): 203-210. |
25 | Palaiargia benkeni Orr, Kalkman & Richards, 2013 | Papua Neuguinea | Orr, A.G.; Kalkman, V.J.; Richards, S.J. (2013): Four new species of Palaiargia Förster, 1903 (Odonata: Platycnemididae) from New Guinea with revised distribution records for the genus. International Journal of Odonatology 16(4): 309-325. |
26 | Palaiargia clarillii Orr, Kalkman & Richards, 2013 | Papua Neuguinea | Orr, A.G.; Kalkman, V.J.; Richards, S.J. (2013): Four new species of Palaiargia Förster, 1903 (Odonata: Platycnemididae) from New Guinea with revised distribution records for the genus. International Journal of Odonatology 16(4): 309-325. |
27 | Palaiargia quandti Orr, Kalkman & Richards, 2013 | Papua Neuguinea | Orr, A.G.; Kalkman, V.J.; Richards, S.J. (2013): Four new species of Palaiargia Förster, 1903 (Odonata: Platycnemididae) from New Guinea with revised distribution records for the genus. International Journal of Odonatology 16(4): 309-325. |
28 | Palaiargia tydecksjuerging Orr, Kalkman & Richards, 2013 | Papua Neuguinea | Orr, A.G.; Kalkman, V.J.; Richards, S.J. (2013): Four new species of Palaiargia Förster, 1903 (Odonata: Platycnemididae) from New Guinea with revised distribution records for the genus. International Journal of Odonatology 16(4): 309-325. |
29 | Mortonagrion astamii Villanueva & Cahilog, 2013 | Philippines | Villanueva, R.J.T.; Cahilog, H. (2013): Odonata Fauna of Balabac Island, Philippines with descriptions of two new species. International Dragonfly Fund - Report 60: 1-34. |
30 | Prodasineura poncei Villanueva & Cahilog, 2013 | Philippines | Villanueva, R.J.T.; Cahilog, H. (2013): Odonata Fauna of Balabac Island, Philippines with descriptions of two new species. International Dragonfly Fund - Report 60: 1-34. |
31 | Telosticta iban Dow, 2014 | Malaysia | elosticta iban sp. nov. from Sarawak (Odonata: Zygoptera: Platystictidae). Zootaxa 3784(1): 74-78 |
32 | Onychogomphus marijanmatoki Dow, 2014 | Malaysia | Onychogomphus marijanmatoki, a new species from Sarawak, Borneo (Odonata: Anisoptera: Gomphidae). Zootaxa 3795(2): 181-186 |
33 | Risiophlebia guentheri Kosterin, 2015 | Cambodia | Kosterin, O.E. (2015): Risiophlebia guentheri sp. nov. (Odonata, Libellulidae) from southeastern Indochina. Zootaxa 3964(1): 138-145 |
34 | Dysphaea ulu, Hämäläinen, Dow & Stokvis, 2015 | Malaysia | Hämäläinen, M.; Dow, R.; Stokvis, F.R. (2015): Revision of the Sundaland species of the genus Dysphaea Selys, 1853 using molecular and morphological methods, with notes on allied species (Odonata: Euphaeidae). Zootaxa 3949(4): 451-490. |
35 | Onychargia priydak Kosterin, 2015 | Cambodia | Kosterin, O.E. (2015): Onychargia priydak sp. nov. (Odonata, Platycnemididae) from eastern Cambodia. International Journal of Odonatology 18(2): 157-168. |
36 | Burmagomphus apricus Zhang, Kosterin & Cai 2015 | China | Zhang, H.-m.; Kosterin, O.E.; Cai, Q.-h. (2015): New species and records of Burmagomphus Williamson, 1907 (Odonata, Gomphidae) from China. Zootaxa 3999: 62-78. |
37 | Burmagomphus magnus Zhang, Kosterin & Cai 2015 | China | Zhang, H.-m.; Kosterin, O.E.; Cai, Q.-h. (2015): New species and records of Burmagomphus Williamson, 1907 (Odonata, Gomphidae) from China. Zootaxa 3999: 62-78. |
38 | Burmagomphus dentatus Zhang, Kosterin & Cai 2015 | China | Zhang, H.-m.; Kosterin, O.E.; Cai, Q.-h. (2015): New species and records of Burmagomphus Williamson, 1907 (Odonata, Gomphidae) from China. Zootaxa 3999: 62-78. |
39 | Burmagomphus latescens Zhang, Kosterin & Cai 2015 | China | Zhang, H.-m.; Kosterin, O.E.; Cai, Q.-h. (2015): New species and records of Burmagomphus Williamson, 1907 (Odonata, Gomphidae) from China. Zootaxa 3999: 62-78. |
40 | Prodasineura hoffmanni Kosterin, 2015 | Cambodia | Kosterin, O.E. (2015): Prodasineura hoffmanni sp. nov. (Odonata, Platycnemididae, Disparoneurinae) from eastern Cambodia. Zootaxa 4027(4): 565-577. |
41 | Nannophlebia leoboppi Orr & Kalkman, 2015 | Indonesia, Papua Province | Orr, A.G.; Kalkman, V.J. (2015): Nannophlebia leoboppi sp. nov., a new dragonfly species from New Guinea (Odonata: Anisoptera: Libellulidae). Zootaxa 3964(3): 391-395. |
42 | Microgomphus alani Kosterin, 2016 | Cambodia | Kosterin, O.E. (2016): Microgomphus alani (Odonata, Gomphidae) sp. nov. from Cambodia. Zootaxa 4114(3): 341-350. |
43 | Idiocnemis schorri Gassmann, Richards & Polhemus, 2016 | Papua New Guinea | Gassmann, D.; Richards, S.J., Polhemus, D.A. (2016): Idiocnemis schorri sp. nov., a new damselfly species from southern Papua New Guinea (Odonata: Platycnemididae). Zootaxa 4171(3): 491-504. |
44 | Asiagomphus reinhardti Kosterin & Yokoi, 2016 | Cambodia/Laos | Kosterin, O.E.; Yokoi, N. (2016): Asiagomphus reinhardti sp. nov. (Odonata, Gomphidae) from eastern Cambodia and southern Laos. Zootaxa 4103(1): 35-42. |
45 | Euthygomphus schorri Kosterin, 2016 | Cambodia | Kosterin, M. (2016): Reconsideration of the genera Merogomphus Martin, 1904, and Anisogomphus Selys, 1857, including erection of a new genus, with a new species and discussion of additional specimens from Cambodia. Zootaxa 4171(1): 51-76. |
46 | Papuagrion marirobi Orr & Kalkman, 2016 | Papua Neuguinea | Two new species of Papuagrion Ris, 1913 (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) from New Guinea with a survey of distribution records for the genus. Zootaxa 4173(1): 18–28. |
47 | Neurothemis taiwanensis Seehausen & Dow, 2016 | Taiwan | Morphological studies and taxonomic considerations on the ‘reddish-brown-winged’ group of Neurothemis Brauer, 1867 with the description of N. taiwanensis sp. nov. (Odonata: Libellulidae). International Dragonfly Fund Report 93: 1–101 |
48 | Burmagrion marijanmatoki Möstel, Schorr & Bechly, 2017 | Fossile Libelle, Burma | Möstel, C.; Schorr, M.; Bechly, G. (2017): A new stem-coenagrionoid genus of damselflies (Odonata: Zygoptera) from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber. Zootaxa 4243(1): 177-186. |
49 | Coeliccia rolandorum Kosterin & Kompier, 2017 | Cambodia/Vietnam | Kosterin, O.E.; Kompier, T. (2017): Coeliccia rolandorum sp. nov. from eastern Cambodia and southern Vietnam, the eastern relative of C. kazukoae Asahina, 1984 (Odonata: Platycnemididae). Zootaxa 4341(4): 509-527. |
50 | Gomphidictinus tongi Zhang, Guan & Wang, 2017 | China | Zhang, H.-M.; Guan, Z.-Y.; Wang, W.-Z. (2017): Updated information on genus Gomphidictinus (Odonata: Gomphidae) in China with description of Gomphidictinus tongi sp. nov. Zootaxa 4344(2): 321-332. |
51 | Leptogomphus schieli Dow, Stokvis & Ngiam, 2017 | Malaysia | Dow, R.A., Stokvis, F., Ngiam, R.W.J. (2017): Revision of the Genus Leptogomphus Selys in Borneo, including gene trees and a two marker molecular phylogeny (Odonata: Anisoptera: Gomphidae). Zootaxa 4358(2): 201-257 |
52 | Leptogomphus sii Dow, Stokvis & Ngiam, 2017 | Malaysia | Dow, R.A., Stokvis, F., Ngiam, R.W.J. (2017): Revision of the Genus Leptogomphus Selys in Borneo, including gene trees and a two marker molecular phylogeny (Odonata: Anisoptera: Gomphidae). Zootaxa 4358(2): 201-257. |
53 | Indocnemis marijanmatoki Phan, 2018) | Vietnam | Phan, Q.T. (2018) Notes on the genus Indocnemis Laidlaw, 1917 in Vietnam with description of Indocnemis marijanmatoki sp. n. (Odonata, Zygoptera, Platycnemididae). ZooKeys 809: 15–29. |
54 | Yunnanosticta wilsoni Dow & Zhang, 2018 | China | Dow, R.A.; Zhang, H.-M. (2018): Yunnanosticta gen. nov., from Yunnan, a new genus from the Sinostictinae, with the description of two new species (Odonata: Zygoptera: Platystictidae). Zootaxa 4375(4): 567-577. |
55 | Yunnanosticta cyaneocollaris Dow & Zhang, 2018 | China | Dow, R.A.; Zhang, H.-M. (2018): Yunnanosticta gen. nov., from Yunnan, a new genus from the Sinostictinae, with the description of two new species (Odonata: Zygoptera: Platystictidae). Zootaxa 4375(4): 567-577. |
56 | Drepanosticta adenani Dow & Reels, 2018 | Malaysia | Dow, R.A.; Reels, G.T. (2018): Drepanosticta adenani sp. nov., from the Lanjak Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary in Sarawak (Odonata: Zygoptera: Platystictidae). Zootaxa 4379(3): 429-435. |
57 | Amphicnemis valentini Kosterin et Kompier, 2018 | Cambodia | Kosterin, O.E.; Kompier, T. (2018): Amphicnemis valentini sp. nov. from the Cardamom ecoregion in Cambodia and Vietnam (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Zootaxa 4429(2): 281-294. |
58 | Coeliccia.schorri Phan & To, 2019 | Vietnam | Phan, Q.T.; To, V.Q. (2019): Description of new damselfly Coeliccia.schorri sp. n. (Odonata: Zygoptera: Platycnemididae) with a discussion of the Coeliccia hayashii-group in Vietnam. International Journal of Odonatology 22(1): 11-20. |
59 | Coeliccia lecongcoi Phan, 2019 | Vietnam | Phan, Q.T. (2019): Coeliccia lecongcoi sp. nov., a new damselfly from the Central Highlands of Vietnam (Odonata: Zygoptera: Platycnemididae). Zootaxa 4551(4): 471-478. |
60 | Idiocnemis lakekamuensis Gassmann & Richards, 2019 | Papua New Guinea | Gassmann, D.; Richards, S.J. (2019): Two new damselflies of the genus Idiocnemis Selys from Gulf Province, Papua New Guinea (Odonata: Platycnemididae). Zootaxa 4560(1): 121-140 |
61 | Idiocnemis milou Gassmann & Richards, 2019 | Papua New Guinea | Gassmann, D.; Richards, S.J. (2019): Two new damselflies of the genus Idiocnemis Selys from Gulf Province, Papua New Guinea (Odonata: Platycnemididae). Zootaxa 4560(1): 121-140 |
62 | Protosticta binhi Phan, To, Trinh & Dinh, 2019 | Vietnam | Phan, Q.T., To, V.Q., Trinh, D.M. & Dinh, V.K.: Description of Protosticta binhi sp. n. from the Central Highlands of Vietnam (Odonata: Zygoptera: Platystictidae). International Journal of Odonatology, 22: 3-4, 199-206. |
63 | Forcepsioneura lopii Pinto & de Araujo, 2020 | Brazil | Pinto, A.P.; de Araujo, B.R. (2020): A new damselfly of the genus Forcepsioneura from the Atlantic Forest of south-eastern Brazil (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Odonatologica 49(1/2): 107-123. |
64 | Coeliccia lephuocdieui Phan, Ngo & Bui, 2020 | Vietnam | Phan, Q.T., Ngo, Q.P. & Bui, A.P. (2020): Description of Coeliccia lephuocdieui sp. nov. from the Central Highlands of Vietnam (Odonata: Zygoptera: Platycnemididae) with notes on its congeners. Zootaxa 4786 (1): 069–080. |
65 | Prodasineura lancastrei Phan & Ngo, 2020 | Vietnam | Phan, Q.T.; Ngo, Q.P. (2020): A revision of the systematics and distribution of the damselfly genus Prodasineura Cowley, 1934 (Odonata: Zygoptera: Platycnemididae) in Vietnam with description of two new species. European Journal of Taxonomy 650: 1-27. |
66 | Prodasineura kong Phan & Ngo, 2020 | Vietnam | Phan, Q.T.; Ngo, Q.P. (2020): A revision of the systematics and distribution of the damselfly genus Prodasineura Cowley, 1934 (Odonata: Zygoptera: Platycnemididae) in Vietnam with description of two new species. European Journal of Taxonomy 650: 1-27. |
67 | Coeliccia tongbiguan Dow & Zhang, 2020 | China | Dow, R.A.; Zhang, H.-M. (2020): Two new species of Coeliccia Kirby from Yunnan, China (Odonata: Zygoptera: Platycnemididae). Zootaxa 4838 (4): 491–502. |
68 | Coeliccia yunnanensis Dow & Zhang, 2020 | China | Dow, R.A.; Zhang, H.-M. (2020): Two new species of Coeliccia Kirby from Yunnan, China (Odonata: Zygoptera: Platycnemididae). Zootaxa 4838 (4): 491–502. |
69 | Megalogomphus buddi Dow & Price, 2020 | Malaysia | Dow, R.A.; Price, B.W. (2020): A review of Megalogomphus sumatranus (Krüger, 1899) and its allies in Sundaland with a description of a new species from Borneo (Odonata: Anisoptera: Gomphidae). Zootaxa 4845 (4): 487-508. |
70 | Caliphaea hermannkunzi Zhang & Hämäläinen, 2020 | China | Zhang, H.-M. & Hämäläinen, M. (2020): Description of a new Caliphaea species from Yunnan, China (Odonata: Calopterygidae). Zootaxa 4895 (1): 103–110. |
71 | Coeliccia natgeo Phan et al., 2020 | Vietnam | Phan, Q. T., Ngo, Q. P. M., Toan, T. C. & Tuan, V. A. (2020): Description of Coeliccia natgeo sp. nov. from Central Vietnam with keys to the males and females of the hayashii-group (Odonata: Zygoptera: Platycnemididae). Zootaxa 4896 (1): 096-104. |
72 | Coeliccia diehlae Bui & Phan, 2021 | Vietnam | Bui, A.P.; Phan, Q. P. (2021): Description of Coeliccia diehlae sp. n. from the Central Highlands of Vietnam with keys to the males and females of the pyriformis-group Odonata: Zygoptera: Platycnemididae. International Journal of Odonatology 24: 51-63. |
73 | Nesobasis martina Marinov, 2021 | Fiji | Marinov, M. (2021): On the Fijian endemic genus Nesobasis Selys, 1891 with introduction of N. martina sp. nov. and N. monika sp. nov. (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). International Dragonfly Fund - Report 165: 1-15 |
74 | Nesobasis monika Marinov, 2021 | Fiji | Marinov, M. (2021): On the Fijian endemic genus Nesobasis Selys, 1891 with introduction of N. martina sp. nov. and N. monika sp. nov. (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). International Dragonfly Fund - Report 165: 1-15 |
75 | Drepanosticta hansruedii sp. nov. Phan, 2021 | Vietnam | Phan, Q.T.; Yokoi, N.; Makbun, N., Joshi, S.; Subramanian, K.A.; Ngo, Q.P.; Dow, R.A. (2021): A review of the Drepanosticta carmichaeli-group, with the description of D. wildermuthi sp. nov. from the Central Highlands of Vietnam (Odonata: Zygoptera: Platystictidae). Zootaxa 5067(2): 187-210. |
76 | Amorphostigma kessleri, Marinov 2022 | Samoa | Marinov, M. (2022): Amorphostigma kessleri, sp. nov. from American Samoa (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Faunistic Studies in SE Asian and Pacific Island Odonata 40: 1-14. |
77 | Nikoulabasis ilievae Marinov & Rashni, 2023 | Fiji | Marinov, M.; Rashni, B. (2023): Contribution to the Odonata of Kadavu, Fiji with erection of three new species (Insecta: Odonata). Faunistic Studies in Southeast Asian and Pacific Island Odonata 41: 1-34. |
78 | Nesobasis baidamuensium Marinov & Rashni, 2023 | Fiji | Marinov, M.; Rashni, B. (2023): Contribution to the Odonata of Kadavu, Fiji with erection of three new species (Insecta: Odonata). Faunistic Studies in Southeast Asian and Pacific Island Odonata 41: 1-34. |
79 | Nesobasis nedeltshevae Marinov & Rashni, 2023 | Fiji | Marinov, M.; Rashni, B. (2023): Contribution to the Odonata of Kadavu, Fiji with erection of three new species (Insecta: Odonata). Faunistic Studies in Southeast Asian and Pacific Island Odonata 41: 1-34. |
80 | Anax insulanus Theischinger, Kalnins & Marinov, 2024 | Solomon Islands | Theischinger, G.; Kalnins, M.; Marinov, M. (2024): Two new species of Anax Leach, 1815 from the Solomon Islands and Tonga (Odonata: Aeshnidae). Zootaxa 5519(2): 215-242. |
81 | Prodasineura sangkhla Keetapithchayakul, Makbun, Ignatius & Phan, 2024 | Thailand | Keetapithchayakul, T.S.; Makbun, N.; Ignatius, K.J.; Phan, Q.T. (2024): Prodasineura sangkhla sp. nov., a new damselfly from western Thailand (Odonata: Platycnemididae). Zootaxa 5551(1): 131-140. |
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