
The main aim of the IDF is to promote projects for the research and protection of dragonflies.

“Both applied research projects and basic research are eligible for funding.” I would write: We fund projects on dragonflies if they contribute to the expansion of regional knowledge (applied research, faunistics, distribution) or to the improvement of knowledge of the systematic-taxonomic basis (description of new species).

The prerequisite is that the project is highly relevant to odonatology, i.e. it contributes significant knowledge to dragonfly science or identifies measures to protect dragonflies and their habitats.

Donations, which flow entirely into IDF projects (see IDF reports), are therefore welcome.
Donation receipts can be issued.

International Dragonfly Fund e.V.
Schulstr. 7B, D-54314 Zerf
IBAN: DE22 5855 0130 0003 6999 49